Civil Engineering

        The department was first founded in 1907 as Special Class of Railway Engineering. This department was transferred to Tongji University in 1952 in a re-organization of colleges and departments by the Chinese government. SJTU reestablished the DOCE in 1985. In 2008, the major of Civil Engineering was rated as first class discipline and national characteristic discipline. In 2010, the department became one of the first experimental units of “Educating and Training Outstanding Engineers" plan.

        Now there are 68 faculty and staff members in the Department of Civil Engineering, including 19 professors, 25 associate professors, 2 Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. A number of research results were achieved in the areas of steel structure, structural safety and durability, interactions between foundations and superstructure, geotechnical engineering and construction engineering management. The field of Civil and Structural Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University was rankedat 36th in 2013 by QS World University Rankings, UK. A lot of high-level technicians and administrators were cultivated for the relevant industries and divisions of civil engineering and city development.

Head: CHEN Jinjian
Tel: +86-21-34207003
Associate Head: CHEN Bin, YE Guanlin, ZHANG Daxu,Han Zhaolong

    • Phone:86-21-34206196/34206197



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