Overseas Master Plan: Professor Yoichi Sumi, YNU, Visits OCE

Date:2017-05-11 Reading: 324

Professor Yoichi Sumi, Yokohama National University (YNU), visited School of Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (OCE, SJTU) and made an academic seminar titled “Strength and deformability of corroded steel plates-experiments and numerical simulation”, invited by Professor MA Ning and Professor WANG Deyu, OCE of SJTU.

In the beginning, Prof. WANG Deyu extended a warm welcome and made an introduction of Prof. Sumi’s personal experience and research direction.

Prof. Sumi made detailed introduction and explanations of the following three aspects:

Size effect of strength and deformability of pitted steel plates, Simulation of strength and deformability of steel plates with surface pits and replicated corrosion-surface and Assess strength and deformability of corroded steel plates

At the end, Prof. Sumi had intensified discussions with present faculty and students on the issues of Residual stress in the specimen after the pit is processed, Complex stress state of corrosion test piece and the selection of grid size in finite element model, etc.

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