Report Subject:Wind Lens MRS(Multi-Rotor Wind Energy Systems) Development and Modelling
Reporter:Professor Hu Changhong from Kyushu University,きゅうしゅうだいがく
Time:Aug. 12th, 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Place:Mulan Building A211 meeting room
Abstract:The Wind Lens Turbine(WLT), which has been developed by Kyushu University, is a kind of Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbine (DAWT) in which the diffuser is modified by adding a broad ring or brim around the exit point and an inlet shroud at the entrance. Commercial development of 200kW WLT and its MRS with two rotors are underway which is supported by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment. In this presentation, the outline of the Wind Lens MRS project will be introduced, and recently obtained results on CFD simulation of such MRS will be reported.